What Is A Genius IQ Score For Exceptional Intelligence?

What is a genius IQ score? A score above 140 is considered a genius IQ score, while the average IQ score falls between 85 and 115.

What is a genius IQ score? When it comes to standardized intelligence testing, 140 or more is usually considered a genius IQ score, placing a person at the top of the population. Let's examine the idea of a genius IQ score in more detail. What does it mean and its impact on the world of human intelligence?

What Is The IQ Score Range? IQ Classification

The IQ score range refers to the full spectrum of scores that can be obtained on an IQ test. Each score within this IQ range is associated with a percentile rank, which indicates how an individual's score compares to the population. Typically, IQ scores are grouped into ranges to provide a general understanding of intellectual ability. While the exact ranges can have slight differences between IQ tests and classifications, here is a common classification:

  • Below 70: Extremely low
  • 70-79: Borderline
  • 80-89: Low average
  • 90-109: Average
  • 110-119: High average
  • 120-129: Superior
  • 130 and above: Very superior or gifted

Only 2% of the world's population has an IQ score of 130 or above (Mensa members qualified). While people with this IQ level are considered very smart, there are many people with even higher IQ scores. For example, Albert Einstein, a well-known physician, had an IQ score of 160. John Quincy Adams had an IQ of 175, making him one of the U.S. presidents with the highest IQ score. Terence Tao claims an exceptionally high IQ score of 220. These people have brilliant minds and genius IQ scores.

Terence Tao

Terence Tao - The Mozart of Math (IQ: 220)

What Is Considered A Genius IQ Score?

What is a genius IQ score on an IQ scale

What is a genius IQ score? A genius IQ score is generally considered to be 140 or above. This specific threshold can vary slightly depending on the form of IQ test and the scoring method used. Normally, people with genius-level IQs often have extraordinary cognitive abilities across various fields and sections.

Genius-level intelligence is often associated with exceptional creativity, critical thinking, and deep knowledge in specific areas. Individuals with genius IQ scores may have incredible achievement in academic or intellectual pursuits and may own advanced language skills, memory, and reasoning abilities.

People with genius IQ scores can be classified into 3 groups:

  • 140 to 159: Highly gifted. This IQ range includes many accomplished individuals across various fields.
  • 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted. This is where we find genius minds like Albert Einstein, who is estimated to have had an amazing IQ of around 160.
  • 180 and above: Profoundly gifted. Scores this high are rare, but some historical figures like Leonardo da Vinci, with an estimated IQ of 180-220, may have fallen into this range. Issac Newton, the English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer is another genius who had an IQ exceeding 200.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (IQ: 160)

Traits of Genius IQ Individuals

Individuals with a genius-level IQ score often exhibit several distinctive features that set them apart:

The first trait of genius IQ individuals is their quick learning ability: Normally, intelligent people often have a rapid learning ability. It allows them to grasp new concepts and skills quickly and efficiently. They are often able to consume and retain large amounts of information. Compared to average people, they become specialists in their chosen fields faster thanks to this gift.

The second characteristic of a person with a high IQ is their extraordinary ability to solve problems: People with IQs above the genius level frequently exhibit remarkable problem-solving skills. They are able to recognize and evaluate situations fast, pinpoint important problems, and identify the best answers.

The third characteristic of highly bright people is their great level of creativity: Individuals possessing a genius IQ typically exhibit high levels of creativity, which is characterized by their capacity to think creatively and unconventionally. They frequently discover links between concepts that don't seem to belong together.

Their intense intellectual curiosity is the fourth quality. People with IQs over the genius level are usually very curious about the world and have a strong desire to learn more about it. They are always on the lookout for fresh insights and encounters to expand their horizons and enhance their expertise. Their exploration of difficult ideas and concepts is aided by their curiosity, which frequently yields ground-breaking findings and insights.

The fifth feature of high-IQ people is their high analytical thinking: Individuals with high IQs frequently possess highly analytical minds that enable them to dissect big problems into smaller, more manageable components. They are adept at drawing connections between facts that at first glance appear unrelated. Their capacity to solve problems and make well-informed decisions is greatly enhanced by their analytical thinking.

The last trait is their strong memory: Many intelligent people have exceptional memories, including both short-term memory and long-term memory. A strong memory can help them a lot in recalling and linking information they have learned.

Well-Known People with High IQs

There are many famous figures who are believed to have genius-level IQs.

For example, Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist. His revolutionary theories about the universe – recall his famous equation Е=mc² – have changed everything we ever thought we knew about physics. Another scientific great, Sir Isaac Newton, is the man behind the discovery of the law of universal gravitation. A genius of his time, the Renaissance great Leonardo da Vinci, is not famous only for painting the Mona Lisa but also for many developments in science and invention. Going further in time, according to an article by Culture Trip, famous actor James Woods, known to the audience for the different roles, also has a high score in IQ. Svetlana vos Savant, having the highest IQ score on record in the Guinness Book. 

Read more: Who has the highest IQ in the world?

Misconceptions Around Genius IQ

The sole indicator of genius is IQ: Although having a high IQ can confer extraordinary cognitive skills in domains such as reasoning, solving problems, and identifying patterns, it does not fully characterize an individual as a genius. Think about Leonardo da Vinci. In addition to his probably high IQ, his genius was also demonstrated by his extraordinary creative ability, inventiveness in engineering, and unquenchable curiosity. Similar to this, Marie Curie's extraordinary attention, exacting research techniques, and unwavering enthusiasm for scientific investigation led to her ground-breaking scientific discoveries; these traits are not directly assessed by IQ testing.

Success is guaranteed by a genius IQ: A life full of accomplishments is not a guarantee for those with high IQs. Success is influenced by a variety of factors, including:

  • Work ethic and tenacity: Stephen Hawking overcame a crippling disease to accomplish ground-breaking work in physics because of his unwavering devotion to learning.
  • Emotional intelligence and social skills: A lot of successful undertakings require the capacity to work with others, communicate clearly, and handle social situations.
  • Passion and drive: Regardless of IQ level, possessing a strong innate desire to work in a particular sector can be a key success factor.Consider a future business owner who has a "moderate" IQ, a strong drive to launch a company, and effective leadership and communication abilities.

Being talented requires having a very high IQ: Generally speaking, the threshold for "gifted" is lower than genius-level IQ. Even those with scores in the upper 120s or 130s might have remarkable skills and aptitude in particular domains, such as music, chess, or sports. Even though these people might not be considered "geniuses," their extraordinary abilities and promise call for acknowledgment and tailored assistance in order to fully develop.

Having a high IQ makes you superior to other people: One kind of intelligence is not IQ. Individuals possess unique abilities in different domains, and having a higher IQ does not automatically elevate one over someone with a lower score. And somebody with a higher emotional intelligence, for example, could be very good at understanding other people and interacting with them.

In summary, an IQ score of 140 or above is commonly used to identify a genius, denoting exceptional intellectual ability. However, IQ is not the only method used to measure intellect. It might not fully capture the breadth of a person's abilities and potential. Furthermore, because people learn and develop throughout their lives, IQ scores are not permanent and can change over time. A combination of inherited, environmental, and experience factors affect intelligence.